Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The Cheeky Stage

Ok so I think its fair to say that LS has made it to the cheeky 18months stage (this I have created myself).
I know kids can be cheeky but how can a 17month do it? They don’t really understand what cheeky is do they? Well I must say LS is extremely good at it and that is the problem. If you tell her off she decides that if she is facing you she will just stare you straight in the face with a confused face which I must be completely honest is hilarious and you always end up laughing, her grandparents haven given up on telling her off as they ALWAYS laugh!

Is being cheeky a new stage of development?
Just Grin And Bare It?

Well I find it hard to tell LS off in any case because as silly as it sounds how do you punish a 17month old? Really? LS just laughs everything off, you shout…she smiles, you tap her hand she smiles, you slap her bum …yeah you get it she smiles! So how can you tell her off?? Does anyone else have this problem?? LS is too clever her own good!!
Just A Cheeky Sausage!!


  1. Unfortunately, I think that people are either fibbing OR trying to be kind when they talk about the 'terrible twos'. I think that these troublesome times happen sooner than everyone lets on (as I and clearly YOU are currently finding out!)!

  2. I'm going through the terrible TERRIBLE twos with my third, and the only thing that works is putting him in our downstairs loo. Naughty step became a hilarious game of chase, and he soon learnt that saying sorry meant he could do whatever he wanted. Cue: hit brother on head preceeded by a 'SORRY'!

  3. yummymummquest:i totally agree, its obviously from the age of about 1 when the cheeky and naughty behaviour starts to blossom!

    angelsurchin: i must say that the thought of going through this 3 times is slightly scary!! I hope when LS learns to say sorry it isnt followed by more cheeky antics!
